Global Work Sp. z o.o.
ul. Padlewskiego 6
41-800 Zabrze

tel. kom.: +48 538 818 478

Worth to know

How to prepare a professional CV?  

Your CV is the most important document in the process of search for employment. We collected some advice that will help you to make your CV appear professional.
  1. The CV should be constructed according to the following structure:
    • Personal data,
    • education,
    • professional experience,
    • foreign language skills,
    • completed courses and trainings,
    • consent for the processing of personal data.
  2. Remember that all the data you include in your CV must be current - it shall be used to contact you!
  3. Describe your education starting from the school you graduated from most recently. Remember to include the starting and completion dates, name of the school/university and your major or specialization.
  4. Description of your professional experience is the most important item of your CV, so take time and care to make it precise. Start from the place where you worked most recently, or where you still work.
  5. For each place of employment, state the period of employment, company name, position and provide a description of your duties.
  6. Assess your foreign language skills. If you completed any courses or hold certificates confirming your skills, do not forget to include them here. State all the courses and trainings which you completed. Pay particular attention to those related to the job for which you are applying.
  7. At the end of your CV include the clause on consent for the processing of personal data.